Sound For Live Stream Concert Performance

Case Study: Sound For Live Streamed Concert

Case Study: Sound For A Live Stream Concert Find Your Light Foundation Benefit Concert Hosted by J.R. Heckman & Presented by John Carroll University When I was initially contacted to do the sound for the Find Your Light Foundation’s Songs of Hope 2021 live stream concert hosted by J.R. Heckman and presented by John Carroll…

Mix Minus Routing Chart

What is a “Mix-Minus”?

What Is A Mix Minus? Mix Minus is a term for a particular audio routing scheme used to provide a mix of everything minus a specific input; mix-minuses are typically used in intercoms systems & talent IFB monitoring for broadcast television & live streams, as well as niche live sound reinforcement applications, where the primary…

Sound Devices Scorpio

Sound Devices Scorpio

Sound Devices Scorpio – An Overview & Review The Scorpio is Sound Devices’ new flagship mixer, and to say it’s a powerful machine is an understatement. While the capabilities of the 8 Series Mixer/Recorders (Scorpio, 888, & 833) are not unprecedented in the sound world, this is certainly a first in a compact bag based…